Rector’s Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Prishtina International Summer University (PISU 2024)

Rector’s Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Prishtina International Summer University (PISU 2024)

Esteemed Professors, distinguished guests, partners, scholars, and most importantly, the brilliant students (our brilliant minds), from near and far, who joined us for these remarkable two weeks:

We gather here today at the heart of the University of Prishtina, in this hallowed space of learning, to mark the conclusion of our International Summer School. This occasion is both a celebration and a testament to the spirit of intellectual curiosity, cross-cultural understanding, and mutual growth.

Over the last two weeks, our university has been buzzing with energy, ideas, and knowledge. We have navigated through challenging academic courses, stimulating social events, heated debates, and breathtaking expressions of art. We have made a global village within our university.

I was moved to see students from such diverse corners of the world – from the historic cities of France and Poland to the vibrant landscapes of Egypt, from the architectural marvels of Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland and The Netherlands to the spiritual soul of Spain, and from the bustling bazaars of Türkiye to the culturally and historically rich neighbors: Albania, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. I wish to also acknowledge the presence,dedication and hospitality of our students, the UP students.

Our summer school became a global hub, enriched by the perspectives of each of you. Your participation is the most credible proof to our shared human spirit, a spirit that knows no borders and sees knowledge as the most universal language.

We were privileged to have the guidance of a group of distinguished international professors, twenty-nine in total, complemented by professors from our university, each masterful in their field. As to international professors, they traveled from as many corners of the world, including such countries as Austria, Egypt, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, India, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, The Netherlands, and Türkiye, and bringing with them diverse teaching styles, academic traditions, and rich life and professional experiences. Their contribution to our summer school experience has been invaluable, enriching not only our students but also the very fabric of our university.

I would also like to acknowledge our local partners, businesses, scholars, and institutions. Your presence, your inputs, your support has been instrumental in creating a productive and enriching environment for our participants. It has been a true pleasure to work alongside you and to witness the strong bond between academia, business, and governance.

As Rector of the University of Prishtina, I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished. But more than pride, I feel gratitude. I am grateful for every conversation, every shared meal, every idea, and every disagreement that led to deeper understanding, every laugh, every moment of discovery, every connection made, every boundary crossed, and every stride towards a more inclusive and interconnected world.

As we move forward, the University of Prishtina is committed to expanding the horizons of our global outreach. In the coming years, we will be creating and offering more programs and courses in English and other foreign languages to facilitate and foster opportunities for more international students and scholars. So, we will wholeheartedly welcome you if you decide to come back.

In closing, I hope that the friendships formed, the knowledge gained, and the experiences shared during these past two weeks at our summer school will stay with you. They are not only memories but also bridges – bridges that connect cultures, people, and hearts.

And so, dear students, as you go back to your countries, carry those bridges with you. Expand them, strengthen them, and keep building more. For in this interconnected world, you are not just the future, you are the present.

At the very end, I would like to extend a special acknowledgement and gratitude to the team behind the scenes, led by the Vice Rector for Internationalization and members of the International Relations Office, but also to each one of you – staff, students, Professors, and others – who made this program and its experience enriching, enjoyable and memorable.

Thank you all very much.


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